Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 4 of Week 1

So, I am actually feeling pretty good this morning. Apart from my shoulder and back.  I'm on Day 4 of Week 1 of the Fiber program - that's One 1/2T of Benefiber twice a day along with some Milk of Magnesia. I'm also on Day 6 of Weight Watchers.  Not easy when there is birthday cake that needs to be eaten, but not as bad as I thought.  And I have one day left on my detox which is the GMC brand you can get at the stores by the PX. My tummy is saying "Hello" instead of "Piss off" like it usually does, so my faith in this program is increased. I won't go into details, but I'm not getting the results that are described in the book yet, but I'm on my way.

I don't know if I've lost any weight yet - I don't keep a scale in the house because I don't need a daily reminder of my weight to make me feel bad, so I'm solely basing things on how I feel, how my clothes fit, how fatigued or energised I feel etc.  So far so good.  I haven't napped this week which is really unusual since by the time Mia goes down for a nap I'm out for the count.

So these are a few success things that I have discovered so far:

* I like to snack when I am cooking, so if I have baby carrots sitting out when I am cooking, I can snack on them since they are 0 points, and it also fills me so that I don't feel the need to overeat at dinner. 

* When I buy fruit and snack veggies, I automatically separate them into portions (ie 20 grapes, 1 cup Watermelon, 1 cup strawberries which are all 1 point) and put them in ziplock bags in the fridge.  It's awesome because if me or the kids want a snack I can just grab a bag and give it to them, instead of having to wash and separate it which is a total pain in the ass esp at 6:30 in the morning.

Anyway, last night Craig Morgan had a concert on the runway on Pope Air Force Base.  He used to be 82nd which was pretty cool, and he's pretty damn awesome too.  He put on a great show - he saw this guy proposing in the middle of the concert and stopped halfway through a song so that they could get up on stage so that he could sing them a song.  Soooo sweet.  And I got to meet Tina and her husband William from AWF and she is every bit as sweet and beautiful as she seems online....and that's one husband who is head over heels in love with his wife!!  Mikey and Mia had a great time, although Mia took on the runway, and the runway won....and she was so excited to ride a bus at last!!

I don't know what else I'm going to do this weekend....I was supposed to go to Charleston for a marriage retreat but between the cost, my stomach and my bac/neck/shoulder we had to back out. A bummer because Jeremy and I were going to have a date at a gourmet restaurant to celebrate our anniversary which is coming up next week.  But there's a tonne of fun stuff going on here like the Cumberland County Fair, and the NC Turkey Festival.  And Mikey's playset is pretty much done so the kids can go to town in the backyard!!  All and all, pretty fun!!!

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