Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shit happens....literally!!

So today started off great.  Jeremy didn't go to work until 9am this morning - this whole SF having PT three times a week is something new for me!! - so I didn't get to sleep in, but it meant that I could leave Mia at home while dropping off Mikey at school, and then have a blissfully uninterupted shower, AND have time to straighten my hair!!

Woot!! That never happens.

And then I met Antonia at the park so her son Levi and Mia could play.  Awesome.  It was so nice to have someone just genuinely cool and nice to talk to, and have Mia occupied and happy....again, that almost never happens!! Makes me a very happy camper.

But then I had to go to a funeral.  I didn't really know the lady who passed, but I know her husband pretty well.  He's the President of the local 82nd Association Chapter, and paid for Jeremy's lifetime membership. It's heartbreaking since she is just a few years older than my Mom, and a wonderful woman. And since the Association is mostly older people (You're talking WWII, Korea and Vietnam Vets here), so many of them are passing away and you can see the hurt in everyone's eyes as another one of them leaves us.

OK, which dog farted - I'm getting fumigated here!!

Anyway, so I head home, walk in the door....and then see the damage to my house caused by Charlie and his Harem.  I'm dogsitting my SIL's two dogs, and well, they are drama queens.  Kiawah is a non-chewer, but is a Diva who insists on sitting on our brand new sofa....we don't even let Charlie on the sofa so this does not sit well with us.  Anyway, Kiawah's part in this is that she pushed the back cushions off the couch (I laid them down so she wouldn't climb up) and covered my couch in fur.

Then there are the books. Mia's book, Mikey's books, special kids books people have sent me from New Zealand, and even a Sesame Street book that was Jeremy's that they pulled off the bookshelf.  They (Charlie and Sullivan) ripped them to shreds to the point that my living room looked like a book graveyard.  I am anal about books, to the point that I am more hurt about that books than I would be if they chewed up a handbag (with the exception  of my Kate Spades).

And then it hit me.  The smell of crap....I am assuming it was Charlie....he had laid it down on the floor...in many places...then the dogs had stepped in it and spread shit all over the floors. SOOOOOOO GROSS!!! It took me an hour to clean it up.

Oh, and a dog chewed on our brand spanking new sofa....Jeremy is going to hit the fan.  I am extremely grateful that I have an FRG meeting so that I can exit the moment that Jeremy enters the house tonight so that I can avoid his wrath.  I have pre-warned my SIL who is coming to pick the dogs up.  This ain't going to be pretty.

Anyway, I digress.  The moment I have finished cleaning up dog crap, Mia walks in holding her potty bowl saying "mess mamma, mess".  No shit.  Actually, yes shit....explosive shit...more shit for me to clean up.  And she got a bath right then and there.  (Ask Antonia - she was already a mess from the park, but cleaning up dog shit the moment I walk in the door was higher priority).  It seems that my healthier diet is wreaking havic on my daughters ass....or so I've noticed the last few days.

So, I truly hope your day has been shit free.

1 comment:

  1. Awe! Sorry to hear about all the "shit" that happened to you! And yes, she was pretty messy from the park! I hope that today is more relaxed and "shit" free for you.
