Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hello and welcome to my life

If you're reading this, you know who I am, and that I probably like you.  That means you are a sane, well-adjusted person who causes me no drama, so you rock....and thank you.

Anyway, recently I have been losing my mind healthwise and instead of being a happy, healthy 30 year old, I'm more like a reasonable happy, crippled 80 year old.

And like 80 year olds, I'm taking Fiber!! There, I said it.  I have a can of Benefiber sitting on my counter next to a bottle of Milk of Magnesia.

So anyway, this is what ails me: I have IBS, Acid Reflux Disease, Hiatus Hernia, Lactose Intolerance, Anxiety and Depression, Increasing Exercise Induced Asthma, Rotator Cuff Injury on my left shoulder, a messed up neck and back with scoliosis, 1st and 2nd degree disc degeneration, fused bottom vertibrae, hyperextention in most of my body, arthritis in my back and neck, 20 lbs over-weight with giant boobs....and a ornary 2 year old.  It is what it is and I don't want to whine about it, but if you had all that and you're only 30 you'd be miserable too.  So damn it, somthing has to give and I am going to do something about it all.  Not sure about what I'm going to do with the ornary 2 year old, but maybe if I'm feeling better, I'll have more energy and and she'll be overall more pleasant!! (and you know I love her to death, but most of you have seen Mia at her finest and realise what I'm saying).

So step one:  thanks to girls night out with Jenn and Billie back in July, I wound up with the hangover from hell which made me quit smoking. I've had a few when I was visiting Krista back in August, but if I have a craving for a cigarette, my mind is taken back to that awful hangover and I run away from the thought of a cigarette screaming.  So yay for that!

I'm starting Physical Therapy on my shoulder and neck and hopefully I can stay motivated enough to do the exercises at home (I'm notoriously bad at that) so I need ass kickings and reminders to make me do them.

I'm getting a referal to a Nutritionalist, or preferably a referal to Dr Wes Jones who is a GI Specialist and has made this High-Fiber program.  It's the first thing I've read about in years that takes into account my dietary limitations, which doesn't make me eat crazy food that I've never heard of before, and actually has logical explanations behind it.

To cut a long story short, if you've got a slow moving GI Tract, it's going to cause increased reflux, gas, pain because your food is basically sitting in your gut just festering away, and needs to go away.  So by slowly increasing your fiber by using the right kinds of fiber over weeks, and flushing out your system, and then by maintaining it for the rest of your life, plus eating a sensible should be good to go, and hopefully all my stomach issues will be cured, or at least manageable so that I'm not in constant pain and discomfort.

So here I go.  Starting yesterday I am taking a 1/2 tablespoon of Benefiber (which you REALLY can't taste when mixed with coffee or Crystal Light)  along with Milk of Magnesia Twice a day. And I'm doing Weight Watchers too to help with the weight loss and hopefully be eating food which is healthier for me.  I'll spare you the details of what's going  on, but I'll tell you if it's working and answer questions if you have them.

Now I want Mikey to come home from school so I can eat some cake damnit!!!

And I promise you that my other posts will not be about fiber and my bowels.  Just this one OK!!


  1. lol rach i love you i'm so glad you're finally starting to get things settled and right. :) I can't wait to see you again i miss you like crazy... FB me your email address and i send you an invite to my blog it's completly private by invite only. :)

  2. Aww Rach I am so hopeful that this new Dr can help you. I am going to be starting ww too as soon as my foot heals. Tell Mikey happy bday its Terrys bday too:)

  3. Rachel! I love you! I have been going through a lot lately and am so lucky to have a friend like you. You aren't afraid to put it all out there and you give me hope and strength. Plus you used the word "ornery" to describe Mia.. Hehe.. Made me giggle.. I am so glad you are taking steps and am here for you even if here is here there and everywhere in-between. :)
