Friday, September 17, 2010

Shout out to my cows and chickens!

I love my neighbor across the street.  She's funny and kind and very generous. She will go out of her way to help you and I am happy to reciprocate.

Here's the catch, she's hard core into the Raw Food Diet.  Now, I have no issues with the concept of the diet.  Like, eating a salad before every meal.  Eating more raw veggies.  And being more aware of what you're consuming. Juicing.  It makes sense.  Organic and Farmer's Market makes sense to me. Completely logical. But it's damn restrictive, it's not good for my stomach issues and I would not be able to do it - ie. dark lettuce is an evil thing to me!! And it makes me mad when your kids can't even eat fruit everyday because of the sugars.  I would love to invite your kids to dinner but if I do, I'll probably make them get the shits even though what I've cooked is healthy.

So shut up about dairy!!! I'm freaking lactose intolerant!! I love cheese, it does not contain a lot of lactose unless its orange or certain types.  So I'm going to eat's not like I'm eating a giant cheese wheel everyday.  That would be gross!!  I feel bad for cows too....poor buggers.  I like eating cow and cow products and your not going to stop me...and it's not like I eat a cow a day.  And then my poor chickens....they should be able to run around like happy chicks and eat nice food....and then I will eat them!! You're not going to stop me!!

And for the love of God, what I have fed my child has NOT caused his autistic symptoms!!! It's hereditary.  Go meet my Dad!!!  And then ask my Mum and Dad if their veggies straight from the backyard has been sprayed with pesticides...and accuse those veggies of making my Dad Austistic.

So who wants to join me on my blissful tropical island where I can lay on the beach, with some hot cabana boy feeding me FRUIT and cocktails, where I don't have to wipe butts and clean up piss all day long...and then have a wonderful dinner of cow steaks, cow cheese and cow cheesecake (Ok, the cheesecake might not be a good idea),  and fresh veggies??

* Just so you know, the Fiber is my body react the way it was described in the book.  Currently it's not pleasant, but I'll keep at it.

* I think my daughter and dog are plotting against my sanity....While I am vaccuming, swiffering and washing my floors, Charlie takes a giant dump outside that my daughter will step on (Wearing shoes!!) and then both of them will run inside spreading poop on the floor so that my floor cleaning process will need to be started over.

* What the f is up with that crazy chick who threw acid on her own face and made up a story saying that it was a stranger who did it?  Seriously, who throws acid on their face??

* The fricken MRI from the other night has made my shoulder hurt again...damn it!


  1. so i am all for that island and the drinks and i'll eat your cheesecake lol :) Ug i so wish i could just click my heels and say "there is no place like hawaii with my girls, there is no place like hawaii with my girls, there is no place like hawaii with my girls" and it would just happen

  2. I'm with you there Amanda!!

    Just so you know, she just invited me across the street to try some of her homemade soup. Now, I like food so I will try almost anything. This was Asparagus, Snow Pea, with some veggie broth and curry powder. It was surprisingly good esp since I don't really care for Asparagus. It's the kind of thing I'll eat to be polite. But now my mouth feels like I've been chewing on Curried Fresh Garlic, and my stomach is saying "Oh, you ate Curry Powder and Garlic?? Well I'll show you!!"
